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Here are 15 of the best family movies you can catch this month on Netflix.
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Blockbuster – Picture: Netflix.
Meanwhile, Antonio Banderas will be playing a supporting role and Sophia Ali will be playing Chloe, Drake’s kinda-sorta-not-always love interest. Funnily enough, Ali was also in a short movie called Drake’s Bell , in which her part was literally called “Love Interest”. But most people will remember her from Grey’s Anatomy as Dr. Dahlia Qadri.
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Before he made Aquaman , director James Wan earned his bonafides with horror fans with this modern classic of the genre. The Warrens, married paranormal investigators played by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, are based on real people who claim to have encountered and battled real supernatural threats. The actual Lorraine Warren was a consultant on the movie and insists that the haunting that plagues the terror-stricken family and their home in the film really happened.
Honestly, there are some good movies on this list, I swear. Just, y'know, not this one. Romantic comedies fairly often fail to hit the mark, but Reese Witherspoon's Your Place Or Mine is actually the lowest-rated Rotten Tomatoes flick on this whole list, with just a 30% score. Yowch.
Nowadays, if you want a selection of news stories culled from various publications, you can use a cellphone app. But if you lived in Texas in 1870, you could pay a dime to watch Tom Hanks shuffle through a stack of newspapers and read selected articles aloud. It seems like a much better deal.
Other honorable mentions include Rattlesnake: the Ahanna story, Tanwa Savage, and Kunle Afolayan’s Swallow.
The manner in which our children devour and watch media greatly impacts how they turn out. This a very strong influence on their emotional, social, psychological, and physical growth outcome. This is the reason why we have ratings. As evaluations determine the matter of age appropriateness, these take these matters into consideration. The criteria of developmental stages are what guides the professionals and authorities to select what movies are the best match for every stage of growth of our children.
