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soir CM Sindh breaks ground for 73rd grid in KE s network

Kwec PM Imran tested for Covid-19 after potential exposure
  QUETTArovincial Minister for Irrigation Nawabzada Tariq Khan Magsi has said the incumbent government is taking steps for the facilitation of citizens for which all available resources are being utilised.The minister shared these views during a meeti new balance 574 ng with Additional Chief Secretary for Planning and Development Sajjad Ahmed Bhutta here on Wednesday. During the meeting, various dam projects and improvement of the canal system were discussed. We have to build mini dams for development of agriculture sector which would provide relief to poor farmers,  said Magsi while stressing upon p samba rose ractical steps to boost the provincial irrigation sector.In a separate meeting with Secretary Irrigation Ali Akbar Baloch, the provincial minister discussed suspension of water sector s project by World Bank. The provincial governm air force high ent would discuss the matter with World Bank officials in the next meeting due in Islamabad and we are optimistic this issue would be resolved,  he said. Mnjz PTI infighting escalates over Marwat s statements
Unlike the case with our economic model, our local governance model does not suffer from misdiagnosis. The programmers knew exactly what the aj1 jordan y were coding and how it would turn out to be.No secret that the political parties didn t want local government in the first place. It was the judiciary that got them to do it. The federal and provincial governments v air max noir iew empowerment of local governments as a zero-sum game. So where does that leave us The PTI introduced the K-P Local Government Act in 2013. The Act in the province has seen many amendments as of now. The provincial governments are responsible for post-secondary education, tertiary healthcare hospitals, agricultural income jordan4  tax, urban planning and other such important areas.The local governments should have been given residuary utility services such as water supply, waste management as well. However, for these, the system designers created the Public-Private Partnership companies  Lahore Waste Management Company, Punjab Saaf Pani Compa